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Pillars , Mandatory and Sunnah Hajj

Definition, requirements, pillars, obligatory, sunnah, and the ban on pilgrimage, Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam are the 5th or last. Each of Muslims around the world are eager to melakuakn pilgrimage. That all the pillars of Islam are met. Before performing the Hajj, it would be nice if we know the things that relate to the pilgrimage from now. This is the definition, requirements, pillars, obligatory, sunnah, and a ban on the Hajj,

- Definition of Hajj 

Hajj means menyengaja by language, intended or visit. Meanwhile, according to syarak, pilgrimage is a visit or make pilgrimage to the House (Ka'bah) with the intention of worshiping Allah. within a predetermined time and manner in accordance with the Shari'a.

- Terms of Hajj

 Terms Hajj is something which, if fulfilled, then the person is obliged to make the pilgrimage. Things including the requirement Hajj are: 
a. Islamite
b. baligh 
c. healthy physical / spiritual 
d. free 
e. capable

- Pillars of HajjPillars of Hajj is an act that must be performed in the haj and can not be replaced by paying dam. Pillars of Hajj, namely:

a. Ihram, which intends to undertake the pilgrimage to wear ihram (white clothing without seam). 
b. Standing, which is present in Padang Arafah started slipping the sun on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah until dawn on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. 
c. Tawaf, which surrounds the Ka'ba seven times round of the Black Stone with Baitullah position on the left. In the pillars of Hajj, tawaf used is tawaf ifadah.
d. Sa'i, ie jog between Mount Safa and Mount Marwa 7 times. 
e. Tahalul, namely shave at least three strands.f. Orderly, harmonious processing means pilgrimage sequentially.

- Mandatory HajiObligatory Hajj is everything that must be done and if it is not done to pay the penalty or dam and his Hajj is still valid. As for that including the obligatory Hajj, namely: 

a. Ihram from miqat, is miqat makani and miqat Zamani predetermined. 
b. Overnight in Muzdalifah. 
c. Jumrah throws Aqabah 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. 
d. Jumrah throws in Mina for three days, day 3 throws each of the 7 stones (jumrah ula, jumrah Wusta, and jumrah ukhra).
e. Overnight in Mina on 11, 12, and 13 Dhul-Hijjah.f. Leave prohibitions pilgrimage.

- Sunna HajiSunna Hajj are the things that is recommended to be implemented in the pilgrimage. As for the things which includes the Sunnah Hajj, namely: 

a. Shower when will ihram. 
b. Ifrad perform Hajj. 
c. Read Talbiyah. 
d. Read the prayer after Talbiyah.
e. Perform tawaf qudum when entering the Haram. 
f. Chant and prayer. 
g. Zam-zam water to drink. 
h. Sunnah prayers two cycles after tawaf.

- Prohibition of Hajja. Prohibition for male pilgrims are:

1. Wear clothing that seamless.
2. Wearing headgear.b. Ban for female pilgrims are:

1. Wear a face cap.
2. Wearing gloves.c. Prohibition for pilgrims men and women, namely:

1. Wearing perfume.
2. Shaving body hair or fur.
3. Married.
4. Mixed husband and wife.
5. Hunting or killing of wild land animals and kosher food.Thus the reading of the definition, requirements, pillars, obligatory, sunnah, and a ban on the Hajj. May we all Muslims are able to fulfill the Five Pillars of Islam are the 5th which Hajj, so that we will be able to feel close to God awt. Ameen ....

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